Setting Up A Kumu Account For Your Network Map
How to easily share a private Kumu network map with your network.
DetailsHow to easily share a private Kumu network map with your network.
DetailsNot Getting The Response You Hoped For Yet? Automated bulk email invitations from sumApp work fine in most instances, especially if people know they’re coming & what they’re for. But what if it’s not working? What if important members are buried in email and ignoring your requests? Or maybe you have a sub-set of members…
DetailsParticipatory Community Mapping as Collective Sensemaking. Part 1 of an interview with CommunitySense Founder Aldo de Moor.
DetailsWhat Participatory Community Network Mapping Makes Possible. Part 2 of an interview with CommunitySense Founder Aldo de Moor.
Details“Maps have power. They always have throughout human history. Maps have been very powerful artifacts” – Aldo de Moor
DetailsStorytelling is very important to inspire participation. However, it is especially the boundary spanning across communities – stories that capture the essence of an activity or an interaction in a community. ~ Aldo de Moor
Details. . . one of the [important] pieces… is to get that sense of ‘we’re not in this alone,’ that ‘we have more connections than we know.’
DetailsThe Maya Townsend interview has generated interest in live-link mapping – as well as questions about how to do it and what one should know. This post is in response to those questions.
DetailsHow you can simplify map access for your network members by turning sumApp into your Kumu map portal
DetailsA map without conversations is nothing and conversations without some form of mapping are much more fragmented.