Whose Relationship IS It, Anyway?
Most of us think about ‘Relationship’ too personally, too one-dimensionally, and too cautiously to support transformation.
DetailsMost of us think about ‘Relationship’ too personally, too one-dimensionally, and too cautiously to support transformation.
DetailsWhat Participatory Community Network Mapping Makes Possible. Part 2 of an interview with CommunitySense Founder Aldo de Moor.
DetailsStorytelling is very important to inspire participation. However, it is especially the boundary spanning across communities – stories that capture the essence of an activity or an interaction in a community. ~ Aldo de Moor
DetailsHow a Social System Map Expands Consciousness and Increases Choice.
DetailsExploring network consciousness with Glenda Eoyang of the Human Systems Dynamics Institute
DetailsSocial System Mapping is about systemic transformation. It’s about supporting strong networks of change-agents who are justice-informed and complexity-wise.
DetailsThe Social System Mapping Origin Story I (Christine Capra) fell in love with System Mapping in about 2005 and started making maps at every opportunity. Some time after that, I began to work with intentional change networks and had the opportunity to create some network maps. From this, I began to imagine combining the two…
DetailsA map without conversations is nothing and conversations without some form of mapping are much more fragmented.
DetailsHow to easily share a private Kumu network map with your network.
Details“Maps have power. They always have throughout human history. Maps have been very powerful artifacts” – Aldo de Moor