It Takes a Social System to Map a Social System

It Needs to Be a True Collaboration Social System Mapping is an art more than a science. It’s an art that entails a process that starts with understanding the purpose or aims of a collaborative/action/intentional network, learning what kinds of other- and systemic- awareness would amplify the network’s ability to learn and act together, translating…


Proposing a new Transformation Archetype

There’s a path here, meant to discover – not yet another place to run off to and consume, but a way to make the place where we are healthy and whole again, through one another. A path so obscured by our current mainstream cultural norms that most people can at best vaguely accept that it might exist, but very few know its contours.


The Social System Mapping Origin Story

The Social System Mapping Origin Story I (Christine Capra) fell in love with System Mapping in about 2005 and started making maps at every opportunity. Some time after that, I began to work with intentional change networks and had the opportunity to create some network maps. From this, I began to imagine combining the two…
